Friday 4 May 2012

Creativity Task: Reflective Analysis

TASK 1: Production Timelines (created last term)

In pairs, using print screens from your AS and A2 productions, produce a mood board of all the elements you think match some of the statements of what we would classify as being creative.

“The making of the new and the rearranging of the old”

"Creativity involves thinking or behaving imaginatively"

"The imaginative activity is purposeful – set against a meaningful objective"

"The processes must generate something original"

"the physical making of  something, leading to some form of communication, expression or revelation”

"If          creativity          is  ... social          and           situational, then             technological developments may well be linked to advances in the creativity of individual users”  

"There is no absolute judgement. All judgements are comparisons of one thing with another"

Once completed, place it on your class blog and record a reflective analysis voiceover on your phone explaining:

1. How and why these individual aspects could be seen as Creative?

Task 2: Write a reflective analysis of your examples answer the following questions


See the following to help you answer:

Next week:
TASK 3: Link Digital Tech with Creativity
Get your Production Timelines you created last term

Answer the question for homework 30 mins timed response

1 comment:


    'Creative Journey'
